….getting e-mails and phone calls from multiple modeling agencies
saying, “Congratulations, You’re Booked!” - while being a single mom,
working your normal 9-5 job…
That’s what happened to me.
Doubting yourself and your dreams? Been there.
Walking in fear? Been there, too.
I booked my first Nike Ad in 2012, and I’ve been helping other women push past fear to start successful modeling careers ever since. Today, I know what it takes to step out on faith, trust God, and become a successful model without compromising your values.

Have you put your dreams on the back burner for far too long? I’ve been there. And let me tell you…Once I realized this ONE thing, everything changed! You wanna know what it is? Okay, here it goes…

Either you have faith or you need to grow in your faith. It’s that simple and we're here to help you!
That’s how I went from a 9-5 working single mom, to a Sports Model on national commercials.
Watch the free #ModelWithPurpose training now, so we can get you modeling and walking in your purpose!

Learn how to push past fear, rejection, and doubt, so you can walk in everything God has for you!

See exactly how you can start modeling for the Glory of God at ANY age, height, and weight, no matter where you live!

Get ready to build long-lasting relationships inside our #ModelWithPurpose sisterhood! We will be your biggest cheerleaders!

"Glory to God almighty! I just got published in a magazine AND signed to a modeling agency! Thank you Coach Stikks for this amazing platform and all the encouragement and wisdom shared amongst our model family. Doors are opening in a MAJOR way. GO GET YOUR BLESSING!"
- Yolanda M.

"God is blowing my mind! I just booked 3 paid modeling jobs all TODAY! I just found out! I'm going to cry! This day has been a dream. CMA sisters are going places for Jesus!"
- Lesley I.

"I'm super excited to announce that I am now signed to a modeling agency down in Florida! This couldn't have happened without God, Coach Stikks' amazing coaching, and all the support of my CMA sisters!"
- Ifeoma U.

Hey Sis! I’m Stikks, Founder and President of Christian Models Association (CMA). I founded CMA to help women start successful modeling careers without compromising their morals, faith, or integrity.
I’m the creator of #ModelWithPurpose, a 5-week online intensive course that helps Christian women learn and launch their modeling careers within a supportive community that builds confidence and faith.
I’ve been in the modeling industry for over 10 years and helped women all over the country, including WNBA player Tiffany Bias, launch successful modeling careers!